Lane-Keeping in Self-Driving Trucks: Precision and Trust
Across all the features that self-driving technology has to offer, we might think of lane keeping as one of the most basic features possible. However, lane keeping is a complex behavior that relies on multiple components, sensors, and procedures to complete safe...
Understanding the Levels of Autonomy: 3-4-5
In Part I of this series, we defined and discussed the SAE Levels of Autonomy from Level 0 to Level 2. In this article, we will cover the remaining Levels of Autonomy, as well as which Level of Autonomy Torc is pursuing and why. Rounding Out the Levels of Autonomy ...
imaginAviation 2024 Panel: How Ideas Become Innovation
Innovation. Resistance. Transformation. Collaboration. These ideas paved the way for a panel discussion at imaginAviation 2024, featuring guest John Marinaro, Torc's Vice President of Fleet Operations, along with host Dr. John A....
Understanding the Levels of Autonomy: 0-1-2
Depending on how much time you spend watching the news, you may hear a lot about "self-driving vehicles," and you may even hear speculation about how they can do everything from drive themselves to rescuing and altering the American economy. Those are lofty goals to...
Are Autonomous Vehicles the Future?
The future of everyday technology is full of innovations taken straight out of The Jetsons. But from 3D-printed food to robot butlers, we’re not so far from that sci-fi idea of what tomorrow looks like. Today, we ask our smart assistants to play our favorite songs and...
Why Level 5 Autonomy Is Science Fiction vs Science Fact
What’s the number one question Torc’rs get asked? “When will your trucks fully reach Level 5 autonomy?” Humans like to think in the binary. Either you’re driving the vehicle, or you’re not driving the vehicle. But it is not so black and white when it comes to...
Becoming an Autonomous Vehicle Engineer – Part 1: Beginning the Journey
Part 1 of 3 in Torc’s series about how to prepare for a career creating autonomous vehicles. Imagine creating a machine that can perform all the complex decisions and behaviors that a human can while operating a motor vehicle. A human driver on the highway at 70 mph...
What is LiDAR: Self-Driving Vehicle Basics What does the word ‘lidar’ mean? If you hear the word “radar,” you have a pretty good idea what it is… especially if you’ve ever been pulled over for speeding. But do you know “lidar” and what makes lidar technology...
Washington D.C Recap: Driverless Semis and More
Insights from AV Partners in Washington, D.C. Last month (October 2022), members of the Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE) met in Washington, D.C., for the organization’s annual meeting. Dedicated to bringing the conversation about autonomous vehicles to...
Torc’s Michelle Chaka Details Safety at ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Tech Expo 2023
Torc's busy autumn event and conference schedule started off with the 2023 ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo, a two-day conference and exhibition in Santa Clara, Ca., September 20 and 21. Drawing speakers and attendees from all aspects of autonomy,...
Driverless Truck Infrastructure: What’s Required For a Self-Driving Fleet
When we think about autonomous vehicles and automated trucking companies, we often ask big-picture questions about self-driving as a whole: how do self-driving trucks work? Will autonomous vehicles reduce traffic congestion? Will self driving vehicles improve safety?...
Q&A: Self-Driving Vehicles and Bad Weather
Torc’s autonomous trucks, like self-driving cars, are powered by a combination of algorithms, sensors, artificial intelligence, and so much more. Each individual piece plays a key role in operating our self-driving systems, but none are greater than the sum of their...